Welcome to the Furby Archives!


Welcome! this is a wip site to act as an archive for first gen Furby media!! this includes CD/roms, books, adverisments and basicaly everything under the sun! with the main goals being preservation and accessibility.  


Presevation - The Main goal of this project is to not only scan and make avaliable furby realted media, but to preseve it in its original form. 

Accessibility - The secondary goal is to make furby media avaliable to everyone, offering digital versions for free and physcical prints or copies for a small fee  


Furby history spans a very short range, 1998-2001, but the amount of promotions, books, games and videos are vast and new information is being discovered even 25 years later! The ultimate goal of the archive is to preseve furby history, as most first hand documentation has been lost, and offical media is degrading so preservation and making it avaliable to the furby community in posterity is important!

- Cray 


if you would like to donate that would be greatly appreciated! all donations collected will go to the aquirment of new furby related media to be scanned and archived on atleast a monthly basis!

Media donates are welcome! items sent to the archive for preservation / digitization / will be returned if requested. please keep in mind when offering to send rare or irreplaceable items, that we cannot control what happens during shipping. We will always do our best to return items in a timely manner!